American Religions Collection Serials: Search Results

Name Dates Publisher Family Number Location Notes Request
Good  Cheer  Catalog,  The 1997-2001 Jesusonian  Foundation,  Boulder,  CO NEW  AGE 1625 Annex Your  primary  source  of  secondary  works  to  the  Urantia  Book Request at Special Collections
Historical  Trail,  The 1965-1972 Historical  Society  of  the  New  Jersey  Annual  Conference  of  the  Methodist  Church,  NJ METHODIST 2245 Annex Yearbook  of  the  Historical  Society Request at Special Collections
Tools  For  Rebirth 1959-1960 Dane  Rudhyar,  Altadena,  CA ASTROLOGY 2232 Annex Written  by  Dane  Rudhyar,  see  also  Hamsa,  Seed  For  Greater  Living  and  The  Great  Mutation Request at Special Collections
Seed  For  Greater  Living 1957,1959 Dane  Rudhyar,  Altadena,  CA ASTROLOGY 2233 Annex Written  by  Dane  Rudhyar Request at Special Collections
Seed  For  Greater  Living 1957,1959 Dane  Rudhyar,  Altadena,  CA ASTROLOGY 2461 Annex Written  by  Dane  Rudhyar Request at Special Collections
Human  Potential 1975-1976 Ambassador  International  Cultural  Foundation,  Pasadena,  CA ADVENTIST 1040 Worldwide  Church  of  God/Church  of  God  Adventists Request at Special Collections
Quest 1977-1981 Ambassador  International  Cultural  Foundation,  Pasadena,  CA ADVENTIST 1046 Worldwide  Church  of  God/Church  of  God  Adventists Request at Special Collections
Fountain  of  Life  Fellowship 1972-1991 Fountain  of  Life  (Fellowship),  Valley  Center,KS ADVENTIST 1936 With:  Civil  Calendars/Scriptural  Calendars  as  title  heading  for  later  issues;  Church  of  God  Adventists Request at Special Collections
Great  Tradition,  The 1985,  1987-1992 The  Great  Tradition,  San  Rafael,  CA NEW  AGE 1764 Annex wisdom  literature  catalog
Also  published  by  Atrium  Publisher  Group,  Lower  Lake,  CA
Request at Special Collections
Cultural  News 2002 Shigeharu  Higashi GENERAL 2729 Window  to  Japanese  Language,  Music,  and  Arts Request at Special Collections
Mustard  Seed 1941-1942 Fellowship  Press,Indianapolis,IN ANCIENT  WISDOM 868 Annex William  Dudley  Pelley/Liberation-Soulcraft Request at Special Collections
Spoken  Word 1949-1967,  2000 Spoken  Word  Publications,  Jeffersonville,  IN PENTECOSTAL 1692 Annex Wiiliam  Branham/Deliverance  Pentacostals Request at Special Collections
Baptist  Digest 1971 All-Church  Press BAPTIST 1670 Annex Wichita,  KS Request at Special Collections
Directory  of  Churches 1988 General  Assembly  and  Church  of  the  Firstborn PENTECOSTAL 1004 White  Trinitarian  Pentacostals Request at Special Collections
Message  of  the  Open  Bible 1976-1988 Open  Bible  Standard  Churches,Des  Moines,IA PENTECOSTAL 1391 Annex White  Trinitarian  Pentacostals Request at Special Collections
Gospel  Herald 1995 Church  of  God  Mountain  Assembly,  Jellico,  TN PENTECOSTAL 1054 White  Trinitarian  Holiness  Pentacostals Request at Special Collections
Higher  Way 1995-1997 Apostolic  Faith  Church,  Portland,  OR PENTECOSTAL 1333 White  Trinitarian  Holiness  Pentacostals Request at Special Collections
Light  of  Hope 1985-1988 Apostolic  Faith  Church,Portland,OR PENTECOSTAL 1353 White  Trinitarian  Holiness  Pentacostals Request at Special Collections
Minutes... 1991 Congregational  Holiness  Church,  Inc. PENTECOSTAL 1047 Annex White  Trinitarian  Holiness  Pentacostals Request at Special Collections
From  the  Mountain  (Fafnir) 1990,  1992 From  the  Mountain,  Byron,  MI INDEPENDENT  FUNDAMENTALIST 4989 White  Supremacy Request at Special Collections
NS  Bulletin 1989,  1992 New  Order,  Milwaukee,  WI INDEPENDENT  FUNDAMENTALIST 4990 White  Supremacy Request at Special Collections
Gallery  of  Jewish  Types,  A 1926 Lothrop  Stoddard 5025 White  Supremacist/Anti-Semitic Request at Special Collections
White  Lightning 1991 White  Lightning  Enterprises,  McLean,  VA INDEPENDENT  FUNDAMENTALIST 4991 White  Supremacist Request at Special Collections
They  Were  White  and  They  Were  Slaves 1991 Michael  A.  Hoffman  II GENERAL 4992 White  Supremacist Request at Special Collections
Aryan  Nations 1991 Church  of  Jesus  Christ  Christian,  Hayden,  ID INDEPENDENT  FUNDAMENTALIST 4993 White  Supremacist Request at Special Collections